Israel & Jordan
Israel & Jordan
All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.
- Thomas Edward Lawrence -
Follow the footsteps made by legendary desert explorers, biblical heroes, great roman emperors and the well-known crusaders. Captivate this enchanting part of the Middle East and discover the cradle of civilization.
Israel is a country held sacred by three faiths, its stepped in history dating back to the first daylight of civilisation. Absorb the country´s strong history, its magnificent landscapes and the lavish atmospheric sights from Jerusalem to the modern Tel Aviv-Yafo, the impressive mountains of the Golan Heights and the enchanting Negev Desert. Israel is a harmonises gathering of ancient traditions, cultures and religions.
Jordan is home to biblical and beautiful landmarks; this ancient country is where prophets once roamed the desert. Praise the famous 6th century mosaic map of Jerusalem and the holy land of Madaba also called the city of mosaics. Discover the magnificent preserved roman ruins at Jerash. Step into the footsteps of the British officer Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence who passed the red dunes of the Wadi Rum desert after your visit to the city of Petra, often described as the seven wonders of the world. At last, treat yourself to an afternoon floating in the healing waters of the Dead sea.
Israel & Jordan journey withholds many treasures to provide the ingredients for an unforgettable and unique adventure.