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Unknown Heroes

Our Unknown Heroes


Explore the world V&J with purpose

With Voyages & Journeys conservation and preservation of our wildlife and their eco-systems are at the heart of every adventure we design. However, protecting these eco-systems comes at a horrifying cost – did you know that worldwide, more than 120 park rangers lose their lives every year to protect our global biodiversity and wildlife?

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These brave park rangers across the globe are led by true leaders, heroes and pioneers in conservation, such as Emmanuel de Merode from the Virunga Rangers, Sean Willmore from The Thin Green Line Foundation, Angela Sheldrick from the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Leslie Howle from the Toucan Rescue Centre in Costa Rica, the amazing work from Titouan Bernicot with the Coral Gardeners on Mo’orea Island in French Polynesia, or Damien Mander with the International Anti-Poaching Foundation - these are just a few of many that share the passion of protecting our eco-systems.

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Through the unique adventures and journeys we design; you will be supporting these amazing organizations and foundations in their mission. While enjoying your vacation we also present the opportunity for you to join these organisations in the field, experience their daily activities and learn first-hand about their challenges and importance of their work. Head out side-by-side with anti-poaching and K9 units around the Serengeti or Maasai Mara national park; visit one of the most pioneering wildlife protecting and rehabilitation organisations around Tsavo National Park in Kenya where you may experience encounters with elephants and rhinoceros; or join park rangers and come face-to-face with mountain gorillas in Rwanda. These experiences will change your perspective of life forever. Learn how these organisations approach the local communities and educate them about the importance of wildlife conservation and preservation of the eco-systems, it’s so effective that poachers are now working for these organisations to protect the wildlife and their biodiversity.

By now, most likely you will be thinking, “but how do I support these organisations with my travels” – the answer is simple – throughout the last years we have built a database and good relationships with over 40 NGO’s, NPO’s and local conservation projects around the globe. After the proper due diligence process, we are confident that our donations are being used appropriately. 

When we finalize your travel itinerary, we combine the exceptional experiences we have created with local conservation projects, providing a unique insider access and experience about the destination you are visiting. With your visit you are directly supporting a conservation project, and in parallel we take a percentage from our earnings and donate it to that same conservation project. We try to select projects that fit with the theme of your journey – for instance, if you journey by sea, we will try to match it with an ocean conservation project.

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This process is performed in full transparency together with the client. 

Are you ready to explore the world of Voyages & Journeys?

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