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  • Namibia | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Unique Adventures - Namibia Namibia I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave [man] is not [he] who does not feel afraid, but [he] who conquers that fear. - Nelson Mandela - Explore the land of many faces Adventure! The freedom to roam through uncharted territories, unfamiliar locations, and unforgettable landscapes. It’s in the DNA of every Land Rover, and in the heart of everyone who’s ever wanted to journey beyond the beaten track. For those adventurers who love to explore, V&J teamed up with Land Rover to provide you and your family with an unforgettable adventure through the Namibian wilderness. Set out and journey through a breathtaking environment behind the wheel of some of the world’s most capable SUVs. Not only will you see sights that will remain engraved in your memories forever, but you will also develop serious driving skills and deepen your bond and adventurous spirits. Namibia’s wild, windswept landscapes are bold and dramatic, almost otherworldly. Within moments, its foreground can transform from a dune-speckled desert to an emerald oasis, cleverly concealing herds of feasting elephants and troops of rambunctious baboons. It isn’t out of the ordinary to find sprawling grasslands suddenly interrupted by craggy rock formations fused with layers of sandstone and blackened volcanic basalt. Namibia has undeniably earned its nickname as “the land of many faces”. Namibia lies on the western coast of the African continent and it is a truly unique nation. Few other locations can boast such a range of wildlife, environments, or experiences. Embodying Namibia’s rich heritage are the OvaHimba, a fascinating people whose history stretches back for hundreds of years. Abundant in cultural diversity, majestic wildlife and extreme landscapes serve as the setting for our Namibian adventures. The most famous of Africa’s beasts, including the “big five”, can all be found wandering the wilderness of this untamed land. With patience and skills, you may get the chance to see lions, leopards, elephants, and rhino. Split in half by the Tropic of Capricorn, Namibia enjoys a varied climate. No matter where you will go in Namibia, you’ll experience soaring temperatures found only in the world’s deserts. Even away from the sands, Windhoek, the nation’s bustling capital, regularly records temperatures of over 40°C. By contrast, chilly evenings provide the perfect environment for the activities of thousands of species. The Namibian desert night sky, free from light pollution, is famous all over the world for its clear views and stunning scenes. Best Time to Go: July to October Let's start your Adventure

  • Reizen op een Verantwoordelijke | Voyages & Journeys

    Unieke Avonturen Jacht Expedities Ontdek De Numinous Wie Zijn Wij EN PT NL Home - De Numinous - Reis Verantwoordelijk Reizen op een Verantwoordelijke Januari-2020 We hebben 10 belangrijke richtlijnen opgesteld om verantwoord te reizen en om aandachtige keuzes te maken in elk aspect van je eigen avontuur. Duurzaam reizen bereik je door verantwoordelijk te zijn en de juiste keuzes te maken. Door bewust en verantwoord te leren reizen, zal onze directe impact op het milieu en ecologische diversiteit verminderen. We zijn er echt van overtuigd dat we als reisspecialisten een grotere verantwoordelijkheid hebben om tegen onze consumenten te communiceren over hoe ze duurzame praktijken kunnen implementeren. Onze vakanties, avonturen en expedities worden compleet door ons gepland, waarmee we ook rekening houden met de duurzame praktijken en geweldige kansen bieden om te leren, te ontwikkelen en daarmee de grenzen van verantwoorde reiservaringen te verleggen. In de woorden van Jasper Sigon als het gaat om zijn avonturen: "Voor mij persoonlijk begint mijn reis met het doel om mezelf te integreren in nieuwe culturen, tradities en om nieuwe vaardigheden te leren." Het moet geen checklist zijn waarbij de box afgestreept worden, in plaats daarvan focussen op de ervaring, ernaar streven om jezelf te onderwijzen en goed geïnformeerd te worden, een verantwoordelijkheid te creëren voor dieren in het wild, ecologische instandhouding en culturen van onze prachtige planeet en het uiteindelijk door te geven aan anderen - dat is het uiteindelijke doel. Daarom hebben we de volgende richtlijnen opgesteld om te zien hoe we een positieve impact creëren op duurzaam en verantwoordelijk reizen. Onderzoek reisorganisaties die duurzaam reizen als kernwaarde nastreven We proberen duurzame praktijken toe te passen op onze reizen en avonturen, rekening houdend met de uitstoot veroorzaakt door vluchten, voertuigen, zeereizen en verblijf in accommodatie. We proberen de bron te verkleinen en te optimaliseren, onze voetafdruk te berekenen en projecten voor natuurbehoud en -herstel over de hele wereld te ondersteunen. Plan duurzame reizen Vermijd massa toeristische bestemmingen die zeer vaak worden bezocht. Dit is de eerste doelbewuste beslissing die u neemt tijdens uw reizen naar een duurzame reis. We onderzoeken altijd bestemmingen die zich meestal 'onder de radar' bevinden, en misschien zelfs dichterbij huis dan je misschien denkt, waardoor we naar afgelegen delen van onze mooie planeet kunnen reizen met een verminderde impact op ecologische diversiteit. Verleng uw reizen Door uw reis te verlengen, krijgt u de mogelijkheid om uzelf te verdiepen in de cultuur en tradities van een bestemming. Dit creëert een verbinding met de plaats die u bezoekt, in plaats van uw tijd in korte periodes door te brengen op meerdere bestemmingen. Creëer het gevoel dat je ergens thuis hoort. Reis een beetje langzamer Een concept waar we van genieten is een elegante en tedere reis door een land of een regio die u in staat stelt om te communiceren met zijn cultuur en u uw omgeving laat begrijpen. De toename voor milieuvriendelijk vervoer maakt het makkelijker dan ooit om wat langzamer te reizen, bijvoorbeeld per trein of boot door een buitengewoon netwerk van historische sporen en rivieren, vooral door Europa. Slimme verpakking Het verminderen van het verbruik van plastic goederen is al een enorme stap, maar door je bagage in te pakken met alleen wat je nodig hebt voor je reis, kun je je afval verminderen, probeer herbruikbare materialen te gebruiken zoals de herbruikbare V&J Ocean waterfles die je tijdens je reis kunt bijvullen. Ecologisch waardevolle accommodaties Wanneer we een reis plannen, doen we uitgebreid onderzoek naar de eigendommen en accommodaties die we aanbieden, we letten op hun locatie en hoe ze bijdragen aan hun lokale gemeenschappen. Een ander deel dat we doen om de lokale gemeenschap te ondersteunen, is onze klanten kennis te laten maken met de lokale chef-koks die hun lokale producten omzetten in culinaire hoogtepunten. Unieke excursies die de lokale economie ondersteunen We proberen altijd zoveel mogelijk samen te werken met lokale specialisten en bedrijven die bijdragen aan de duurzame lokale economie. Vanuit onze ervaring is dit ook de beste manier om begrip en waardering te geven voor de regio en landschappen die u bezoekt, naast degenen die hun omgeving het beste kennen. Steun lokale goede doelen Het combineren van onze reizen met de steun aan lokale liefdadigheidsinstellingen is de ultieme manier om meer te weten te komen over de uitdagingen waarmee de lokale bevolking wordt geconfronteerd. Door hen te helpen deze uitdagingen te overwinnen, is een van de meest impactvolle dingen die we tijdens een reis kunnen doen. Door een beetje van onze tijd en expertise samen met lokale organisaties te besteden, kunnen we de aandacht nog meer richten op natuurbehoud en milieubescherming, het onderwijzen en bespreken van bewustwording over de dieren in het wild kan zo'n diepe impact hebben op de bescherming van de natuurlijke wereld voor de volgende generatie. Die komen gaat. Denk aan interactie met dieren in het wild buiten hun natuurlijke omgeving De meest impactvolle keuze die u als reiziger kunt maken, is u bewustzijn van hoe u omgaat met dieren in het wild en geen organisaties te steunen die dieren in het wild gebruiken voor menselijk vermaak. We ondersteunen geen heiligdommen en dierentuinen die schade of trauma aan dieren veroorzaken. We raden ten zeerste af om welke soort dan ook ondersteuning te bieden aan dit soort organisaties. < Vorig Artikel Volgend Artikel > RNAVT 7818 Bedrijf geregistreerd in Portugal Privacybeleid Algemene Voorwaarden > Neem Contact Op +351 917 800 008

  • Talkies Man

    Talkies Man Unieke Avonturen Jacht Expedities Ontdek De Numinous Wie Zijn Wij EN PT NL Home - V&J in de Media - Talkies Man Magazine Talkies Man Magazine April-2023 Als travel curatoren stellen zij zorgvuldig op maat gemaakte reizen samen voor uiteenlopende cliënten. - Marina de Massiac - Portugese duo Jasper Sigon en Vanessa Mestre richtte een aantal jaar geleden het exclusieve reisbureau Voyages & Journeys op. Als travel curatoren stellen zij vanuit hun hoofdkantoor in Lissabon zorgvuldig op maat gemaakte reizen samen voor uiteenlopende cliënten. Of een klant nu vijfduizend euro betaalt of honderd keer meer, het einddoel blijft hetzelfde voor het avontuurlijke duo: 'cliënten moeten thuiskomen met een hoofd vol onuitwisbare indrukken en mooie verhalen’ , aldus Jasper Sigon. Waarom zijn jullie een reisbureau begonnen? ‘We hebben allebei een achtergrond in de energiesector. Onze banen brachten ons op de meest afgelegen en hardcore locaties ter wereld. In 2015 ben ik van functie gewisseld, hiervoor werd ik permanent in Nederland gestationeerd, dit bracht logistieke moeilijkheden met zich mee: Vanessa werkte in Portugal en het land waarin haar project zich bevond, terwijl ik in Nederland zat. In onze vrije tijd spraken we af in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt of Parijs om elkaar te kunnen zien. Tijdens een mooie wandeling in het Portugese Serra da Estrela besloot ik dat ik niet verder wilde met mijn baan. We zijn toen gaan reizen door Zuidoost-Azië en het Midden-Oosten. Eenmaal terug sloeg de realiteit toe: ik moest geld gaan verdienen.’ Het fundament voor jullie bedrijf werd gelegd. ‘Niet direct. Ik ben Uber-chauffeur in Lissabon geworden om rond te komen. Ik reed een jong stel rond dat meer van Portugal wilde zien gedurende een aantal dagen. Ik stelde een reis voor ze samen waarin ze mooie bezienswaardigheden bezochten, culinaire hoogtepunten beleefden en wijn proefden. Een aantal maanden later kwamen ze terug met de hele familie om twee weken lang door Portugal te toeren. Ik vond dit zo leuk dat we op een gegeven moment meer dan driehonderd reizen per jaar binnen Portugal organiseerden. Op dat moment werd het fundament van ons bedrijf gelegd. Later volgden er mooie reizen in Marrakesh, de Sahara en Schotland.’ Waar streven jullie naar met jullie bureau? ‘Waar het ons om gaat is dat onze cliënten hun perspectief op reizen veranderen. We zijn geen reisadviseurs die reispakketten samenstellen waarin de cliënt van a naar b reist. We kleuren ver buiten het hokje. Cliënten moeten thuiskomen met een hoofd vol onuitwisbare indrukken en mooie verhalen.’ Niks is dus te gek? ‘In feite zijn out of the box aanvragen onze specialiteit. We organiseren veel jachtexpedities. Natuurlijk kun je dan op de Mediterraanse zee of het Caribische gebied varen, maar wij denken graag out of the box. Zo nemen we onze cliënten graag mee naar de Noordwestelijke doorgang, de verborgen marinebasis in Kroatië, de witte woestijn of Antarctica. De jachten die we charteren zijn van alle luxe voorzien, zo komt het weleens voor dat er een helikopter aan boord is of een onderzeeër waarmee we een remote destination kunnen bezoeken. Volgend jaar zullen we met onze exclusieve partner Ocean Sky Cruises op een milieubewuste manier reizen organiseren naar de Noordpool.' Milieuvriendelijk reizen lijkt haast de nieuwe norm te zijn. Houden jullie daar rekening mee? ‘Het conserveren van ecosystemen staat voorop en is een van onze kernwaarden. We geloven erin dat je milieubewust de wereld kunt ontdekken. Over de jaren heen hebben we een netwerk opgebouwd waarin we met veertig conserveringsprojecten in contact zijn gekomen. We koppelen onze cliënten op drie verschillende manieren aan de instanties. Door middel van een donatie in de vorm van tijd of geld kunnen ze bijdragen aan een mooiere toekomst. De verbinding tussen mens en natuur is zó belangrijk. Neem nu het volgende voorbeeld: gedurende een verblijf op het Filipijnse eiland Palawan planden we een excursie naar Bacuit Bay. We bevonden ons twintig meter onder water. Dichtbij zwommen er vijf walvishaaien met ons mee. Toen we eenmaal boven water waren moesten we een uur bijkomen, zó mooi en onwerkelijk was het moment onder water geweest.’ Tot slot: gaan jullie over tien jaar de ruimte in? ‘Ik had niet verwacht dat het daadwerkelijk plaats zou gaan vinden, maar in 2025 gaan we in samenwerking met onze exclusieve partner Space Perspective de ruimte in. De oprichters van het bedrijf, Jane Poynter en Taber MacCallum hebben een project op poten weten te krijgen dat de hele wereld zal verrassen. Op een hele comfortabele manier passagiers de ruimte in krijgen is iets wat tot de verbeelding spreekt. Op dertig kilometer afstand van de aarde zal men gedurende zes uur in de Spaceship Neptune van een panoramisch uitzicht kunnen genieten in een zeer ruime, comfortabele cabine. De in Miami gevestigde horecaondernemer David Grutman zal passagiers voorzien van een trendy F&B ervaring.’ We leren Jasper en Vanessa kennen tijdens een reis naar Portugal. Het duo koos voor het interview een bijzondere plek uit bij een van hun zorgvuldig geselecteerde partners: het Herdade de Malhadinha Nova hotel. Gelegen in de vrij onbekende Portugese Alentejostreek. Vanessa komt van origine uit Portugal, maar laat zich ondanks het feit dat ze half Portugees is onverminderd aangenaam verrassen door de originaliteit en het ronduit rustgevende landschap van het hotel. Het duo selecteert voor haar cliënten een select aantal accommodaties waar oog voor detail een prominente plek in beslag neemt omdat het naar eigen zeggen een reflectie van hun geboden service moet zijn. Het gros van de accommodaties wordt in eerste instantie bezocht en getest op kwaliteit om zo cliënten van een premium ervaring te voorzien.' < Vorig Artikel Volgend Artikel > RNAVT 7818 Bedrijf geregistreerd in Portugal Privacybeleid Algemene Voorwaarden > Neem Contact Op +351 917 800 008

  • Galapagos Islands | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Unique Adventures - Galapagos Galapagos Islands A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Darwin - The Galapagos Archipelago, Darwin's living laboratory, is home to an abundance of wildlife. Isolated from the mainland for millions of years, it is a rare wilderness where animals have no instinctive fear of humans. Experience up close encounters with unique species such as flightless cormorants, swimming marine iguanas and giant tortoises - you can expect furry seal pups and other curious creatures to get within close proximity to you. Located near the west coast of Ecuador in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos is the birthplace of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. These volcanic islands began emerging from the ocean millions of years ago, and it’s here that you can find the highest level of endemism in the world. There are thirteen major islands and a handful of smaller islands that make up the Galapagos archipelago. The largest of the islands is called Isabela. It is approximately 129 kilometres long. Repeated volcanic eruptions helped to form the rugged mountain landscape of the Islands. As always, we work together with the most experienced and knowledgeable captains, crew, licensed naturalists, and scientists to really provide you an unparalleled inside of the Galapagos Islands. Explore the lava fields, hike alongside cliffs, stroll along a secluded beach front, board an inflatable dinghy to explore mangrove estuaries, and caves, observe the underwater world untethered during a snorkel trip, swim alongside native sea turtles, sea lions, and endemic marine iguanas. Just an overnight sail from the main archipelago, the distant islets of Wolf and Darwin are rarely visited by explorers, with uncovered wonders and the best dive sites in the world. This is where major ocean currents come together. Combining cold waters from the south with warm currents from the north and cooler currents from the west. Experience diving encounters unlike anywhere else on earth, whale sharks, schooling hammerheads, and manta rays. When choosing our yacht services, you have the possibility to have your own submersible onboard. Dive to where few have been. As dives of this sort are infrequent in the Galapagos, you could be the first to discover a new species or hidden cave. Best Time to Go: December to May Let's start your Adventure

  • Come Together | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Yacht Expeditions - Yachts - Come Together Come Together Guests: 12 Year: 2022 Length: 60m Cabins: 6 Crew: 14 Price: From €456.000/week Being huge fans (ourselves) from the designer Espen Øino, Come Together it is his latest masterpiece and the first of the Amels 60 limited editions. With the latest intense efficient Amels hull and next generation technology, she is truly built to break new grounds and go head on with the most challenging oceans around the globe. Come Together really offers the proven combination platform of adventure and the highest pedigree of luxury and comfort you would expect from an Amels, but with a future-facing twist. With pioneering hybrid technology, globetrotting adventure capabilities and an expertly thought-through layout centred around guest comfort, accommodating 12 charter guests. Add to that, a multi-skilled crew of 14 including a personal trainer, yoga instructor and DJ along with the beautiful interior spaces by Winch design it sets the scene for entertainment at the highest level, while a 27m sun deck, colossal beach club with sauna and ice bath and sprawling swim platform and an impressive collection of high-octane toys. Come Together is a true promise that redefines the onboard and charter experience. With an incredible range of 4500nm, extensive storage and a wide array of tenders & toys Come Together is the perfect option for exploring the mesmerising coastlines and interior channels of Australia and New Zealand, uncover the mysteries islands of the South Pacific or beautiful coastlines of Central America. Highlights Owners’ suite With stunning views, the vast owner’s suite is bathed in light through the yacht’s distinctive trapezoid-shaped, almost full height windows. A large folding balcony opens while the yacht is at anchor, transforming into a 7-square-metre terrace, perfect for enjoying the views in complete privacy. Tenders & Toys Please note that tenders and toys are subject to regular upgrades and changes. We will update you on the latest information. 1x 9.3m D-RIB Yachtwerft Meyer 1x 6m open D-Rib SUT Tender 2 x Jetskis Sea doo GTX 2 x Seabobs Jungle joe Beach BBQ/party Ricochet bouncer aquapark Lazy lounge Launch bag Towables Banana for 5p Wakeboard Waterskis Inflatable kayaks Inflatable SUPs Gallery < Previous Yacht Next Yacht >

  • Tasmania | Voyages & Journeys

    Unieke Avonturen Jacht Expedities Ontdek De Numinous Wie Zijn Wij EN PT NL Home - Unieke Avonturen - Tasmania Tasmania When you go out there you don't get away from it all, you get back to it all. You come home to what's important. You come home to yourself. - Peter Dombrovskis - Bedekt met werelderfgoed locaties en nationale parken, de landschappen en wildernis van Tasmanië zijn anders dan alle andere die je hebt gezien. Tasmanië is echt één van de grootste verborgen geheimen van Australië. Bereid je voor op de eindeloze adembenemende landschappen en wilde dieren, verlaten witte zandstranden, buitengewone berggebieden en bossen die volledig ongerept zijn. De natuur en cultuurrijke regio's zorgen ervoor dat je het rustiger aan wilt doen en verder en dieper wilt verkennen. Of je nu van avontuur of vrije tijd houdt, je zult een schat aan mogelijkheden vinden tijdens een reis door dit land van ruige schoonheid. Reis af naar het westen en ontdek het Tasmania Wildernis World Heritage gebied dat een vijfde van Tasmanië beslaat, een gebied groter dan Connecticut. Het is één van de laatste echte wildernisgebieden op aarde en beschermt een enorm stuk gematigd regenwoud gevuld met oude planten en unieke dieren in het wild. Met een geschiedenis die 40.000 jaar teruggaat, heeft het westen van Tasmanië Aboriginal-locaties vol met artefacten en grotsystemen met rotstekeningen uit de ijstijd. Over een meer dan 150 miljoen jaar geleden gevormd landschap, doorkruis je gletsjers, gebeeldhouwde valleien, dichte regenwouden, heidevelden met knoopgras en alpenweiden, allemaal doordrenkt van schoonheid. Leun avonds achterover na een warme douche en verwen uzelf met sensationeel eten en wijn bereid door gerenommeerde lokale chef-koks en zie hoe de melk weg boven u voorbij zweeft. Sluit je aan bij de natuurbeschermers van het Trowunna Wildlife Park en ontmoet enkele van Tasmanië ‘s unieke en innemende diersoorten, zoals oostelijke quolls, wallaby's, wombats en buidelratten en leer over de onschatbare rol in het natuurbehoud in de regio, leer over 's werelds grootste erfgoedpopulatie bedreigde Tasmaanse duivels en de ongelooflijke focus op natuurbehoud, onderwijs en rehabilitatie. Bekend als het land van de duizend meren. De vele bergmeertjes werden 8.000 tot 20.000 jaar geleden gevormd door gletsjerwerking. Ontsnap naar één van de beroemdste lodges in het midden van deze wildernis aan een afgelegen oever van het meer, The Pumphouse Point. Deze wilderniservaring op het diepste meer van het zuidelijk halfrond biedt een verscheidenheid aan spannende activiteiten rond deze betoverende natuurlijke omgeving. Reis diep de ruige bergketens van de westkust in. Mount Murchison is een uitdagend alpine circuit van 1278 m in de buurt van Tullah dat beloont met uitzicht op gletsjermeren. Het Mount Dundas-pad onthult regenwoud en de Fraser Creek Hut. Verder naar het zuiden, in de buurt van Queenstown, kunt u deelnemen aan een 4x4 excursie vol actie in Mountain Heights en Wildlife Nights naar Mt Owen voor een serene zonsondergang op de top van de top. Vanaf de top kun je genieten van ongelooflijke 360-graden uitzichten op de natuurlijke Tasmanië wildernis. Exploratie/ Superjachten zijn voorbestemd om de meest buitengewone avonturen te beleven, en geen enkele bestemming vat de geest van verkenning zo goed samen als Tasmanië. Een betoverende mix van prachtige vaargebieden, ruig terrein en adembenemende stranden met verspreide ongerepte eilanden. Tasmanië bevat alle ingrediënten voor een onvergetelijke jachtexpeditie. Reis door de diverse en ongerepte landschappen van Tasmanië en begin aan extreme activiteiten in de wildernis. Ideale Periode: September tot November & Maart tot Mei Start uw Avontuur RNAVT 7818 Bedrijf geregistreerd in Portugal Privacybeleid Algemene Voorwaarden > Neem Contact Op +351 917 800 008

  • Sheldrick Wildlife Trust | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - The Numinous - DSWT Sheldrick Wildlife Trust May-2021 Born from one family’s passion for Kenya and its wilderness, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is one of the pioneering conservation organisations for wildlife and habitat protection in East Africa. Founded in 1977 by Dr Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE , in memory of her late husband, famous naturalist and founding Warden of Tsavo East National Park, David Leslie William Sheldrick MBE , the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust claims a rich and deeply rooted family history in wildlife and conservation. In 1948, David Sheldrick began his renowned career within the Royal National Parks of Kenya, where he worked unwaveringly for over two decades transforming Tsavo, a previously unchartered and inhospitable land, into Kenya’s largest and most famous National Park. David Sheldrick stands out, even today, as one of Africa’s most famous and proficient pioneer National Park Wardens. The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is best known for their phenomenal work with elephants, operating the most successful orphan elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in the world. While the Orphans’ Project is the heart of the organisation, it cannot exist in isolation and over the last 40 years the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust has developed an extensive, multi-faceted approach to conservation to ensure a greater and long-lasting impact for wildlife. Through their Aerial, Anti-Poaching and Mobile Veterinary Units, they are continuously and actively safeguarding the natural environment and providing immediate assistance to wild animals in need. Their renowned Orphans’ Project allows them to respond and rescue orphaned baby elephants, rhinos, and all other wild species across Kenya, so that they might enjoy a life back in the wild when grown up. We had the amazing opportunity to ask a few questions to Angela Sheldrick . Daughter of David and Daphne Sheldrick, Angela was brought up in the wilds of Tsavo East. She has been exposed to Kenya’s wildlife and wild places all her life and heads The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and all its operations in Kenya and has done since 2001. Having a family DNA like yours, with your parents being pioneers in the field of Wildlife Conservation, we can only imagine the great life lessons passed on to you. Which values do you treasure the most until today? Growing up, immersed in nature, my family was much larger than just its human members. I grew up surrounded by an eclectic assortment of creatures, including Bunty the impala, Jimmy the kudu, and my special friend, Baby the eland. In this environment, I could not help but be instilled with a respect for our natural world. I grew up guided by a need to do better for all life that shares our beautiful world and to use one of my favourite quotes from my mum, “We only have one home, the Earth, and we as the dominant species must take care of it." In day to day, that means showing patience, empathy, determination to successfully rehabilitate orphaned elephants, courage and an ability to turn the page when, despite all our efforts, an infant might not pull through. Daphne was never daunted by a challenge and neither are we – taking in orphaned elephants that few believe might survive, or have a wild future, like Rama, our newest rescue who is a severely bow-legged little elephant. But we must always try. Then, there is the humbling lesson that despite our decades of wildlife conservation, we still have much to understand. My father, David Sheldrick, said it best: “The more one knows about animals, the more one realises how much we still have to learn." I have spent my entire life around elephants, yet they continue to astonish me in the very best way. We can all learn so much from these social species, committed as they are to family and nothing makes me prouder than watching the elephants in action: dependent orphans inquisitively meeting wild friends, bulls lazing in the mud bath, ex orphans arriving with their families in tow, calves gambolling between the legs of their nannies. Put simply, they never cease to amaze us and we shall never stop in our efforts to keep them safe. How many reintegration centres does the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) operate? It might first be helpful to explain what our pioneering Reintegration Units are and do. Our ultimate goal is for each orphan that we rescue is to transition from our care and return to the wild. But this must be at the right time, when they are no longer milk-dependent and can hold their own against the challenges and threats they will face in the wild. A Reintegration Unit then, is like College or University, where the orphans can hone their wild instincts and ultimately return to a free life. Interestingly, every orphan is different and explores elephant society at a pace that works for them – and it is the orphans themselves that determine when they return to the wild. To enable these orphans a second chance at a life in the wild, we operate three Reintegration Units as part of our Orphans’ Project in the Tsavo Conservation Area, which follow a blueprint for rehabilitation first established by my mother. VOI is our original Unit, built in the very same place that Daphne and David first discovered the secrets of hand-raising orphaned milk-dependent wild animals. It sits in Tsavo East, with unending plains stretching out as far as the eye can see. Its mud bath and watering hole is a pivotal stop for elephant herds as they migrate through, affording lots of interactions with the orphans. In 2004, we added Ithumba which is the jewel in Tsavo’s crown. The vast, unspoilt wilderness that Ithumba offers simply doesn’t exist in Kenya anymore, and it is a true haven for elephants, with wild herds in the area secure in the knowledge that this is a place where they are protected. Over 60 orphaned elephants have returned to the wild from here, with 15 calves born to female orphans (that we know of!). Incredibly, and testament to the strong bonds forged between our Keepers and their charges, these orphans choose to share their new bundles of joy with us only hours after birth – an incredible privilege. Lastly, there is Umani Springs, built especially for more vulnerable orphans in our care. A cast of incredibly brave characters who have surmounted the odds to be with us today call Umani home, surviving snare, gunshot, spear and maiming by predators. While some might not be able to cover the vast distances needed in more arid environments, in the Kibwezi Forest, they have forage and fresh water, protection and wild herds, right on their doorstep. It’s no understatement to say the herd here is blazing through uncharted territory. Importantly, this specialist centre has allowed us to deliver on our promise that we make to every orphan, enabling even those elephants who have been robbed of everything to live a full and wildlife, in a beautiful safe environment that we manage and protect positioned within an extensive unspoilt ecosystem. It should be said that creating these Units is no small task. Before establishing Ithumba, we installed a 63-kilometre electric fenceline, which continues to be patrolled daily. We also assisted in re-establishing the KWS headquarters in the North, funding necessities like rangers’ accommodation, offices and workshops, fuel tanks, water catchment tanks, desalination and the installation of a generator. For Umani, we had worked for years in the area taking on a concession to manage the forest in partnership with the Kenya Forest Service and Kenya Wildlife Service, to stop illegal extractive activities and ensure it became the safe haven for wildlife it is today. How many animals are currently under your care? There are currently more than 80 orphaned elephants in our care, not forgetting our characterful black rhinos Apollo and Maxwell. The latter is congenitally blind so will always have a protected home with us. However, our promise to rescue, raise, and reintegrate orphans back into the wild isn’t just one that we make to elephants - it’s a commitment that we make to all wild orphans who pass through our care. So there is also an ever-growing menagerie being cared for at our Kaluku Field Headquarters, including an orphaned eland, oryx and lesser kudu, as well as Bristle, an orphaned ostrich. As with the elephant and rhino orphans, these individuals will reintegrate into local populations their own pace, although many choose to stay close by to their human family. Next to the Orphans’ Projects, the DSWT is actively combating poaching. Could you explain a little bit how does it work? Raising elephants is just a small part of what we do because without taking care of the bigger picture, it would be futile. We need to know that when these baby elephants go back into the wild, we have the resources in place, together in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service, to make sure that they’re protected for the future. Not just the orphans, but the giants of the plains that mentor them too. That’s why we operate 16 anti-poaching teams in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service, drawn from people across Kenya, which are supported in the air by an Air Wing. These fully trained and equipped teams operate across Tsavo, and in Meru National Park, to ensure no illegal activities are taking place, and if they are, we are able to respond swiftly. It’s a big operation, but it’s so very needed. Logging, bushmeat snaring, bushfires, grazing charcoal burning – these are all illegal in conservation areas and present a huge threat to all wildlife, reducing forage and habitats. In a world where our natural environment is becoming increasingly patchwork, saving these remaining pockets of natural beauty is vital – not only for the orphans but for all animals too. It’s the eleventh hour now. We really have to ensure that what we have left is saved for future generations. Over the years, we are also seeing more and more cases of human-wildlife conflict which is bringing the work of our Saving Habitats project to the fore. And, more immediately, we fund five Mobile Vet Units, headed by KWS Vets, who provide urgent veterinary care across the country to animals injured by poachers and human-wildlife conflict. They’ve attended 2,851 elephants to date – an astonishing number, working to keep our precious elephant population fighting fit so animals can continue to roam the plains as they were destined to. How does the DSWT approaches sustainable travel? All our conservation projects are rooted in a respect for our Natural World so it made sense that when we established our Eco Lodges, this mantra would guide a visitor’s experience. There are three camps in Ithumba, the northern area of Tsavo East National Park that David Sheldrick deemed a “jewel in the crown”; two on the Galana River, a nexus for Kenya’s most iconic species; and one in the Kibwezi Forest, a lush groundwater forest on the base of rolling hills. All of our Eco Lodges follow the same template, that of low impact and built seamlessly into the surrounding areas paying special attention to their interiors as well, something I take great pride in doing. We let each Lodge out to a maximum of 10 guests, ensuring an exclusive stay and an approach that reduces our footprint and ensures properties are designed to preserve the integrity of the wilderness, and support conservation. What makes these lodges doubly special is that all proceeds from the Eco Lodges are reinvested into our field projects, and support our vital conservation efforts in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service. Guests can experience our lifesaving work first-hand: Each Eco Lodge sits within close proximity to one of our three Reintegration Units, and guests are granted access to visit the orphaned elephants there. «««« Check their fantastic adoption program and support this phenomenal organization: If you would like to visit or add it to your itinerary, contact us and let’s start plan your great next adventure. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Belize | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Unique Adventures - Belize Belize There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore, there is society, where none intrudes. - Lord Byron - Venture to the peninsula of Placencia and unearth this immeasurable South American jungle and the underwater world of the Caribbean Sea. Belize is a country rich in adventure and culture. A land of beautiful forests and exquisite cave systems, an exciting destination for enthusiasts that are in search for pristine natural environments, exceptional wildlife, scuba diving and photography. Immerse yourself deep in the Belizean natural world. The Cayo region has been designated as wildlife sanctuary. Step into your kayak and explore the physically diverse flora and fauna and delve into the cool waters beneath cascading waterfalls. You will be surrounded by the extraordinary birdlife here and with over 500 species listed in Belize, you may spot Keel-billed toucan (the national bird), as well as the emerald toucanet, vermillion flycatcher and blue-grey tanager and many more. The extensive Caracol is worthy of a visit, sprawling approximately 10 kilometres in radius in AD 650. The most imposing of the sights here is the massive pyramid that soars over 50 metres into the air through the canopy of the dense jungle. Take off by helicopter and make your way to an exceptional lodge hidden deep within the jungles of Belize, fly over breathtaking sites like waterfalls, huge caves and amazing archaeological sites. Trek into the jungle with an expert tracker. The nature reserves are enclosed by vast terrains of lagoons, wetlands, and tropical rainforest as well as dry forests. Unveil the wonders and ways of the forest and search for footprints to follow all five cat species, jaguar, puma, ocelot, jaguarundi and margay as well as the endangered Baird’s Tapir and a huge variety of other flora and fauna. More inland you will find the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, an incredible area of wetlands and savannahs home to over 300 species of migratory, resident, terrestrial and aquatic birds together with crocodiles, howler monkeys, iguanas and many more wildlife. Step in your airboat and explore these wetlands guided by a naturalist you are bound for amazing wildlife sightings. Joined and guided by an archaeologist, explore, and learn about the ancient Altun Ha, an ancient Mayan city dating from the 7th Century, together with the Lamanai, or also called the “submerged crocodile”, it is one of Belize’s most impressive Mayan sites and truly worthy to visit. The diving sites belong to the seven underwater wonders of the World. And you would not travel with V&J if you were not looking for something out of this world! Step in a helicopter and let’s make our way to the Great Blue Hole. A thrilling experience for experienced divers. The aerial view is striking, a dark circle of water about 300 metres in diameter and 160 metres depth. Jump out of the helicopter into the blue hole, where your dive instructor and crew will be waiting for you. Once submerged you will be handed sea scooters to venture into the dark, clear depths alongside giant groupers and nurse sharks, as well as several types of reef shark. When at surface again, step into your tender and make your way to the Turneffe Islands Atoll, where the diving is exceptional. Southeast of here is Half Moon Caye National Monument, the country’s first national park and arguably Belize’s number one dive site. Home to some wonderful wildlife, from reptiles and turtles to thousands of red-footed boobies and frigate birds, known for their presence on the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Best Time to Go: January & May Let's start your Adventure

  • Islândia | Voyages & Journeys

    Aventuras Únicas Expedições de Iate Explore Comunicações Sobre Nós EN PT NL Início - Aventuras Únicas - Islândia Islândia Embora eu ame profundamente os oceanos, desertos e outras paisagens selvagens, são as montanhas que me aliciam com este tipo de atração magnética e dolorosa para mergulhar cada vez mais profundamente na sua beleza. - Victoria Erikson - Descubra o país do fogo e do gelo numa aventura extraordinária a um país de que fazem parte algumas das paisagens vulcânicas mais deslumbrantes do planeta. O distinto passado geológico criou um ambiente que é realmente um dos mais impressionantes que já vimos. Com montanhas que se estendem até aos fiordes na Península Troll, a Islândia é repleta de fontes geotérmicas que formam várias fontes termais em todo o país. No norte da Islândia estará próximo do Círculo Polar Ártico, reunindo as condições perfeitas para avistar uma espetacular Aurora Boreal entre Outubro e Abril. Nos meses de verão, os dias são longos, permitindo mais tempo para se aventurar e explorar esses terrenos acidentados, com caminhadas pela deslumbrante Reserva Natural de Svarfaðardalur, caiaque no mar com a oportunidade de avistar baleias e pesca de salmão; ou passe a manhã a esquiar e a tarde a surfar. Explore um vulcão que entrou em erupção há 4.000 anos pela última vez e desça até à câmara magmática a 200 metros de profundidade – é ainda um mistério como a lava desapareceu. Quando reflectimos um pouco sobre esta parte do mundo percebemos que os monges celtas estavam certos – a Islândia continua a ser um dos países mais deslumbrantes do mundo. Um dos melhores lugares para testemunhar a Aurora Boreal, campos de lava e colinas suavemente esculpidas por rios, e antigas aldeias baleeiras como Husavik. Este é um destino que revelará o seu espírito explorador. A remota Península Troll (Tröllaskagi) é um dos cenários montanhosos mais extraordinários do norte da Islândia, um verdadeiro paraíso para os entusiastas de actividades ao ar livre. Está localizada entre o fiorde de Skagafjörður e o fiorde de Eyjafjorður. A península é montanhosa e com vários picos atingindo mais de 1200 metros acima do nível do mar, alguns até com mais de 1400 metros, o mais alto é Kerling (1538 metros). É a zona da Islândia com a maior elevação fora das terras altas centrais. Não poderíamos deixar de o encorajar a explorar a área ao máximo e com uma variedade de aventuras guiadas inesquecíveis. Quando ir: Junho a Outubro & Novembro a Março Vamos começar a Aventura RNAVT 7818 Empresa registada em Portugal Política de Privacidade Termos e Condições > Contacte-nos +351 917 800 008

  • The Azores, Portugal | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Unique Adventures - Azores The Azores, Portugal Adventure is worthwhile in itself. - Amelia Earhart - The expression “nature is all around you”' truly comes in place when describing the Azores. The bio and geodiversity, together with the islands' traditions and cultures really makes it an exceptional destination for the true adventurer. All the nine islands of the Azores Archipelago are volcanic origin and are located in the North Atlantic, scattered along a 600 kilometres stretch of ocean from Santa Maria to Corvo. The long lists of natural parks, areas of protected landscape, protected fauna and flora species, forest reserves, geolandscapes, and sites with geological interest guarantee the preservation of a priceless natural legacy. Along with the archipelagos of Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde, constitute the biogeographic region of Macaronesia meaning the fortunate islands. The archipelago’s unique location in the north of the Atlantic ocean, in a transition zone between nutrient-rich currents from the north and the warm waters of the Gulf stream, that turns this group of islands into a true sanctuary for a large and varies number of marine species. When diving in the Azorean crystalline waters you may be surrounded by devil rays, manta rays, whale sharks, sperm whales, agile blue sharks or many other species. With mild waters and amazing visibility this is a true oasis of Atlantic marine life. The roots of the Azores are found upon 1766 volcanoes, nine of which are still active. Join our canyoning specialists, descend underground and explore the hundreds of volcanic cavities, caves and ravines. This magnificent geo landscape is filled with dry calderas, craters lakes, fumaroles and thermal water springs. Also underwater you will find submarine geothermal springs. Challenge yourself and climb the highest peak in Portugal and the third biggest volcano in the Atlantic, Mount Pico with 2351 meters in elevation. Take some time to relax on the hot springs and taste Portugal’s most unique dish, a special stew slow-cooked underground by volcanic heat. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Best Time to Go: June to September Let's start your Adventure

  • Hodor | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - The Numinous - Hodor Hodor June-2020 With spectacular tenders, toys, professional diving equipment and aircraft facilities, this 66 meters shadow vessel truly opens the door to great adventure. As one of 2019’s most anticipated unveilings, Hodor triggers great excitement in the world of yachting with its fleet of extraordinary toys that truly makes the guests experience unforgettable. But the super exciting part is Hodor’s capabilities to access the most remote areas, where we can create unique underwater exploration, helicopter trips and have a wide selection of recreational gadgets to our disposal for both water and land excursions. It’s the first launch in the Shadow Cat series from Australian design firm Incat Crowther, built to support the 87m Lonian superyacht. With its ingenious multihull design, it adheres any demands without sacrificing any of its nautical capabilities. A special IMO Tier 3 compliant exhaust cleaning system reduces greenhouse gasses emitted by the vessel. Apart from two Humphree active interceptors on the stern which reduces pitching motions while underway, no additional stabilisation systems needed to be installed on Hodor given the inherent stability provided by the hull design. Every inch of Hodor is fully customised, as designers and naval architects of the project worked closely with the vessel’s owner who was in search to extend recreational capabilities and additional supplies such as crew and equipment. This specific design really puts deck and storage space to another dimension and provides an incredible stability and efficiency on the water while maintaining the uttermost comfort. What to find on Board Hodor comes with its own advanced dive centre, which is fully equipped with compressors, NITROX and O2 facilities and a decompression chamber in the yacht’s hospital. Operates with 20 crew members, all of whom are accommodated for in double and twin ILO-compliant quarters. Hodor’s strength lies in its ability to safely carry a fleet of five tenders on its aft decks and to deal with helicopter operations with a D-value fully certified helicopter landing pad of 16m that can accommodate helicopters up to 6t such as one of our favourite helicopters the EC145. The large knuckle boom and twin beam cranes stand ready to launch and receive a variety of tenders, the largest of which being a 17 meters long chase boat with four high-performance outboard engines. Besides all that adrenaline fuelled tenders you will find Hodor’s own submarine, fully prepared to offer you a truly unique and immersive experience, exploring the hidden depths of the ocean. If you think this is it, a little bit further below the deck of this adventurer’s toy box you will find jet skis, all-terrain vehicles and dune buggies. Having Hodor accompanying you on your voyage, you are in for a great and unique adventure. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Honeymoon | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - The Numinous - Honeymoon Honeymoon November-2021 “More than 2 years ago, Vanessa and I got married and it was truthfully a day to remember. Today, we still receive messages from our family and friends about how amazing and memorable that day was for them. For us, having such busy lives, a big part of the process was our honeymoon, it was a period where we really wanted to retreat and enjoy each other on an unforgettable adventure. At the time, for us, that was Cuba.” – Jasper Sigon The wedding is such a remarkable day in our life, that the honeymoon should be the journey of a lifetime, preparing us for a “together forever” ride. It is one of the most important vacations you will ever take. We understand more than ever that such a celebratory occasion needs to fully speak to your interests and inspiration. Whether enjoying the turquoise waters surrounding your ocean villa in Fiji, Maldives, or the beautiful islands of the Seychelles, or even if you crave for adrenaline and adventure alongside your chilled glass of champagne and luxury accommodations – with Voyages & Journeys you are definitely in for a treat. We are here to make sure that your honeymoon is exceptional. From an exotic island experience in the heart of the Indian Ocean or South Pacific, a beautiful voyage through Raja Ampat or an action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled adventure in Norway, Costa Rica, the beautiful Galapagos Islands or Australia and New Zealand. We will take you beyond the extraordinary. An adventurous honeymoon means that we really guide you to off-the-beaten path destinations. Pass the night among the most extraordinary stargazing locations like a luxury tented camp in the empty quarter (Oman), or explore the wilderness of British Columbia, or head to Western Australia and experience exceptional biodiversity and activities, from swimming with whale sharks and whales, or fly fishing, heli mountain biking and horse riding in Wanaka (New Zealand). There are also honeymoon destinations much closer to home where you can turn up the intensity and the romance. Discover the Élan of Portugal, the beautiful landscapes of Italy, or the land of fire and ice (Iceland), or even take your predator dune buggy through the Agafay desert in Marrakech. We offer experiences for the true adrenaline seekers for every season. Whatever sort of thrills you are after, there is an adventure honeymoon out there that is just waiting for you! We are looking forward to realizing a honeymoon that goes beyond the extraordinary. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • About Us | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - About Us About Us Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution. - Aristotle - Discover this beautiful world through a new generation of adventures ​ At Voyages & Journeys, we deliver unforgettable adventures and experiences that fully optimise our client’s time off. We strive to elevate the way we unveil destinations around the globe to set the bar at the highest level. Any person can go online and book a vacation, but our goal is to ensure everybody knows how to really explore and make it meaningful. This was the main reason our Co-Founders launched Voyages & Journeys – to create unforgettable journeys. With your inspiration and our innovation and knowledge, we create unique itineraries, limited only by the boundaries of imagination. Through the years and journeys, we had the opportunity to work closely with conservationists, biologists, and naturalists – true pioneers on their own field – allowing us to explore the most undiscovered (culturally and geographical) and ecologically diverse destinations around the globe. In each itinerary we pay close attention to the smallest details with precision, in order to provide a unique perspective on biodiversity, wildlife, culture, traditions, and most importantly, the way we travel. We wish to collect incomparable experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime. We want you to develop a better understanding and appreciation around the destination you are exploring. Whatever the adventure or vacation requires, we set out to create enduring memories you can take home with you. We sincerely support and encourage travelling responsibly. We also support frontline researchers and assist local organizations to protect the wildlife and natural habitats around the globe. Read More > Read More Jasper Sigon Co-Founder With a passion for adventure and wildlife < Read More Read More Vanessa Mestre Co-Founder Ambition to set out a different perspective of the world WHY TRAVEL WITH V&J EXPLORE WITH PURPOSE OUR PROMISE

  • Mountaineering | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Explore - Mountaineering Level up your Alpine Mountaineering with V&J Don’t be afraid to dream big. It doesn’t matter where you come from. You can show the world that nothing is impossible. - Nimsdai Purja - Let’s take the concept of adventure to a higher altitude, whether you are looking for hikes through the most outstanding environments such as the Italian Dolomites, Torres del Paine in Chili, Machu Picchu in Peru, Patagonia in Argentina the magical landscapes of Bhutan, the natural beauty of China, the legendary and ancient walkway in Japan or, one of the favourite destinations from our Co-Founder Jasper Sigon, British Columbia in Canada. We have the instruments, knowledge, and experience to provide you with hiking expeditions that you will treasure for a lifetime. With these types of extreme adventures, success depends on punctilious preparation. With the right training, planning and mindset, no summit or finish line is out of reach. We guide you through every step, which clothing to purchase, which materials needed, training and courses, checklists, photography and videography, every tiny detail will be taking care off to ensure the only thing you have to focus on is reaching your daily goals. The hiking itineraries we design are not your average day to day plannings, we design it in a way that we are able to ensure that during your evenings and your recovery moments you are fully surrounded by comfort, luxury and all the necessary essentials to fully optimise every second of your down time so that you are fully rested and energized for the next objective. While with some experiences we are able to direct operations from the back office, with most expeditions and adventures our Founders Jasper and/or Vanessa will lead from the front. With experience in hiking, mountaineering, scuba diving and yachting they continue to lead as many V&J expeditions as possible. We know why you want to climb, hike, dive and want to explore the unknown, because we also share this passion. And it is this feeling we share and appreciation of why you want to do this adventure or expedition that makes us more determined to help you to achieve your goals. But of course, we do not operate alone - we work closely together with ground-breaking mountaineers, operators and equipment providers that will guide you to the highest and most extreme environments around the world. During all our operations, safety is our number one priority. The environments we operate demand for it. As certified safe travel partner of Global Rescue we oversee every aspect of the expedition and preparation to ensure that it meets all our safety standards, it’s your welfare and the wellbeing of the group that creates the substructure of the itinerary and decision-making throughout the expedition. We want to let you experience how it feels to give everything you have to reach your goals; a feeling and an experience difficult to put in words. In the hunt for the highest peaks in the world Due to our operational experience in extreme environments, guiding you to the world highest mountains cannot be missed. At Voyages & Journeys we work closely together with highly skilled mountaineers that truly belong the most legendary climbers in the world, some hold world records. This allows us to design exclusive itineraries to suit every level of mountaineering skill. From a multi-day adventure summiting Mont Blanc, Kilimanjaro or Everest base camp to the most notorious 8.000m summits around the globe. Get in touch with us and let’s plan your next summit.

  • Ilhas Baleares

    Aventuras Únicas Expedições de Iate Explore Comunicações Sobre Nós EN PT NL Início - Comunicações - Balearic Islands Sailing the Balearic Islands September-2023 Combine high performance sailing with the holy trinity of the Balearics archipelago. White sand and the azure sea. Experience the thrill of world’s famous regatta and discover the hidden gems of these islands peaceful cruising under sail. Elevate your charter adventure to memories of a lifetime. Explore the 1.723km of Balearic coastline - that’s as much as Portugal. We created a unique itinerary along some of the 375 beaches, including a visit to Sa Calobra - Mallorca’s wild child; kayak into pristine sand hidden beaches and paddle through a natural amphitheatre of cliffs; anchor off a serene beach on Formentera like Playa Migjorn or the famous Illetes beach front where the only beach club is the one on your yacht or kitesurf off Playa de Llevant. We created this itinerary for the sail and action fanatics among us that are in search for the ultimate sailing adventure in the Med, and the cherry on top of the cake will be watching the final of the 37th America’s Cup edition in Barcelona up close. Start your voyage at the beautiful Port de Sant Antoni in Ibiza. The destinations were thought in a way that the sailing routes are short but ideal to hit that perfect 30º angle. Like this you will have all the time to fully enjoy the amazing beach fronts and hotspots along the islands but also all the diving hotspots for incredible diving adventures. On Ibiza, hit the vineyards on Italian Vespa motorbikes or Formentera, make use of one of the water toys to a beach club. Head to the lost Balearic Island, Cabrera, explore this vast fragrant island, uninhabited but for 12 park rangers. Snorkel around the 19 islets set within a 100km2 protected zone. Spot cetaceans, fin whales, risso's dolphins, and humpbacks whales. It’s pure and unrefined nature. The next morning, wake up in Eastern Mallorca, where life is a beach. Cala Barca means tranquil mornings, breezy lunches and gorgeous sunsets combined with sundowners. Set sail to Menorca’s most beautiful beaches, Cala Mitjaneta and Cala Trebalúger, where the footprints at sunrise are yours alone. Explore Menorca’s quiet coastline by sea kayak or hop ashore for mountain biking. The sunset at Cova d’en Xoroi is truly phenomenal, this location has cocktail bars built into cliffs and a disco that rocks until dawn. The next morning enjoy your breakfast with a view on the incredible cliffs of the UNESCO-protected peninsula Cap de Formentor. Head out on a tender and discover the cave diving. Rock climb above the ocean. Snorkel on locations with scorpionfish and rainbow wrasse. Continue the voyage through Valldemossa Marina to a Balearic Eden, Dragonera Island, where the diving is epic and is Guarded by geckos and falcons, its natural treasure surrounded by two shipwrecks on 30m depth. The next morning Wake up in Andratx, a gorgeous natural harbour ringed by pine forest. Explore Mallorca’s most feral corner by 4x4 atv. Together with your onboard V&J specialist head to Cala d'Egos. This sandy swoosh is secreted between crashing cliffs. Overnight we will set sail to Port Vell, Barcelona to witness the greatest final of the sailing regattas, the America’s Cup. < Previous Article Next Article > RNAVT 7818 Empresa registada em Portugal Política de Privacidade Termos e Condições > Contacte-nos +351 917 800 008

  • Contacte-nos | Voyages & Journeys

    Aventuras Únicas Expedições de Iate Explore Comunicações Sobre Nós EN PT NL Clique Aqui e Contacte-nos Como Trabalhamos Procedimentos Depósito Temos grande satisfação em fornecer o serviço perfeito e garantir que cada viagem é trabalhada e cuidadosamente planeada. Solicitaremos um depósito (creditado depois no valor total de sua viagem) antes de começarmos a planear a sua aventura, permitindo-nos dedicar o tempo necessário para programar cada detalhe com primor. Preço sob consulta Cada viagem que planeamos é única e fornecemos uma estimativa completa dos custos que se ajusta ao seu orçamento, incluindo todos os detalhes para garantir que se se inspira em criar memórias inesquecíveis. Eventualidades Com a nossa experiência, percebemos que as coisas podem mudar inesperadamente, por isso concordamos consigo em manter um fundo de contingência para a sua viagem (reembolsado no final da viagem se não for utilizado). Isso permite-nos (empresa e cliente), acautelar as alterações necessárias sem o incomodar com pagamentos de última hora. Por exemplo: A propagação da pandemia do COVID-19 por todo o mundo levou clientes a solicitarem alterações de última hora para poderem regressar aos seus países de origem numa altura em que era muito complicado ter acesso a voos e qualquer atraso na decisão poderia ter invalidado o regresso. Itinerário feito à sua medida A comunicação é muito importante para nós. Esperamos que a nossa proposta supere as suas expectativas e atenda a todas as suas necessidades e desejos. Se não estiver satisfeito, continuaremos a trabalhar e reorganizar a proposta até que esteja totalmente satisfeito. Se, porventura, não formos capazes de criar um itinerário que realmente atenda às suas necessidades, reembolsaremos seu depósito. Tempo necessário para planear a sua viagem Entendemos que cada cliente é diferente, alguns gostam de planear com antecedência e outros vivem para os momentos espontâneos. Uma viagem pode ser planeada em 36 horas ou pode levar até 12 meses. Depende absolutamente do tipo de experiência. Devido à singularidade das nossas experiências por todo o mundo, encontramos situações em que precisamos adquirir licenças que podem levar até 12 meses. Quando um roteiro for solicitado de última hora, usaremos nossa experiência e rede global para ver o que é possível. No entanto, nunca comprometeremos nossos altos padrões. Seu especialista em viagens dedicado irá orientá-lo assim que confirmarmos seus fundamentos. Consultor de Viagens Somos uma equipa de especialistas, com um vasto conhecimento que se estende por todo o mundo. Após o seu primeiro contato connosco, ser-lhe-á atribuído um consultor pessoal. Planearão a sua viagem do começo ao fim, auxiliando-o no momento da sua partida, por telefone, videochamada ou nas proximidades da sua viagem, dependendo de suas necessidades. Pagamento As condições de pagamento variam de viagem para viagem. Discutirá este assunto com seu consultor e concordará com os termos como parte do nosso processo de planeamento. Aceitamos pagamentos por cartão de crédito ou transferência bancária. RNAVT 7818 Empresa registada em Portugal Política de Privacidade Termos e Condições > Contacte-nos +351 917 800 008

  • Alpine Mountaineering | Voyages & Journeys

    Unieke Avonturen Jacht Expedities Ontdek De Numinous Wie Zijn Wij EN PT NL Home - Ontdek - Mountaineering Level up your Alpine Mountaineering with V&J Don’t be afraid to dream big. It doesn’t matter where you come from. You can show the world that nothing is impossible. - Nimsdai Purja - Laten we het concept van avontuur naar een grotere hoogtes brengen, of je nu op zoek bent naar wandelingen door de meest adembenemende omgevingen zoals de Italiaanse Dolomieten, Torres del Paine in Chili, Machu Picchu in Peru, Patagonië in Argentinië of de magische landschappen van Bhutan, de natuurlijke schoonheid van China, de legendarische en eeuwenoude route in Japan of èèn van de favoriete bestemmingen van onze oprichter Jasper Sigon, British Columbia in Canada. We hebben de instrumenten, kennis en ervaring om u te voorzien van wandelexpedities die u een leven lang bijblijven. Bij dit soort extreme avonturen hangt het succes af van een nauwgezette voorbereiding. Met de juiste training, planning en mindset is geen summit of finishlijn onbereikbaar. We begeleiden je bij elke stap, welke kleding je moet aanschaffen, welke materialen je nodig hebt, trainingen en cursussen, checklists, fotografie en videografie, elk klein detail zorgt ervoor dat jij je alleen maar hoeft te concentreren op het bereiken van je dagelijkse doelen. De routes die wij ontwerpen zijn niet je doorsnee dagelijkse planningen, we ontwerpen ze zo dat we ervoor kunnen zorgen dat je tijdens je avonden en je rustmomenten volledig omringd bent door comfort, luxe en alle noodzakelijke benodigdheden om elke seconde van uw downtime volledig te optimaliseren, zodat je uitgerust en energiek bent voor de volgende dag. Terwijl we bij sommige reizen de operaties vanuit de backoffice kunnen leiden. Leiden onze oprichters Jasper en Vanessa de meeste expedities en avonturen vanaf de voorkant. Met ervaring in wandelen, bergbeklimmen, duiken en jacht expedities blijven ze zoveel mogelijk V&J-expedities leiden. We weten waarom je wilt klimmen, wandelen, duiken en het onbekende wilt verkennen, omdat we deze passie delen. Het is dit gevoel dat we delen en de grootste waardering hebben voor waarom je dit avontuur of deze expeditie wilt doen, wat ons vastbesloten maakt om ervoor te zorgen dat jij je doel te bereikt. Maar we werken natuurlijk niet alleen, we werken nauw samen met baanbrekende bergbeklimmers, operators en leveranciers van apparatuur die je naar de hoogste en meest extreme omgevingen over de hele wereld zullen leiden. Tijdens al onze operaties is veiligheid en voorzichtigheid onze eerste prioriteit. De omgevingen waarin we opereren vragen erom. Als gecertificeerde veilige reispartner van Global Rescue houden we toezicht op elk aspect van de expeditie en voorbereiding om ervoor te zorgen dat deze aan al onze veiligheidsnormen voldoen. We willen je laten ervaren hoe het voelt om alles te geven wat je hebt om je doelen te bereiken, een gevoel, een ervaring die we niet kunnen beschrijven. Op jacht naar de hoogste toppen ter wereld Door onze operationele ervaring in extreme omgevingen kunnen begeleide expedities naar de hoogste toppen ter wereld niet ontbreken. Bij Voyages & Journeys werken we nauw samen met de meest bekwaamde bergbeklimmers die echt tot de meest legendarische klimmers ter wereld behoren, sommige hebben zelfs wereldrecords. Dit stelt ons in staat om de meest exclusieve routes te ontwerpen die passen bij elk niveau van alpinisme. Van een meerdaags avontuur naar de top van de Mont Blanc, de Kilimanjaro of het Everest-basiskamp tot de meest beruchte toppen van 8.000 meter over de hele wereld. Neem contact met ons op en laten we uw volgende top plannen . RNAVT 7818 Bedrijf geregistreerd in Portugal Privacybeleid Algemene Voorwaarden > Neem Contact Op +351 917 800 008

  • Octopus | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Yacht Expeditions - Yachts - Octopus Octopus Guests: 12 Year: 2003 Refit: 2021 Length: 126.2m Cabins: 13 Crew: 42 Price: From €2.000.000/week The mighty M.Y. Octopus, this 126m exploration yacht is actually in her own league. A renowned world-class cruiser and one of the most well-travelled yachts in the world, she is the pinnacle explorer yacht for those seeking a proven “go anywhere, do anything” platform for discovery. This proven world explorer is the ultimate in luxury adventure, allowing intrepid dreams to become a reality. For the audacious and daring, nothing is off limits. With an ice-class hull, two helipads, a huge toy list including seven tenders, a submarine, and even her own marina, she’s the perfect base from which to launch our extensive land and sea explorations. As you know science and conservation is as important as the comfort and luxury onboard, In the past, she has been a hub for oceanographic explorers searching for lost shipwrecks and maritime artifacts, what gives the perfect platform do perform research and assist in conservation projects while enjoying your adventure. As well is the new owner very keen to continue this legacy of marine protection and discovery. Whatever we through at her bow, Octopus is more than fully equipped for your every challenge. From the bridge deck’s vast swimming pool to the gym and wellness area, cinema, library, observation lounge, and glass-bottomed aquarium, no matter the occasion or how you feel, you’ll find it onboard. After the long expeditionary days in the elements, you’ll find a comfortable home away from home. Octopus can accommodate 12 guests across three decks, with multiple accommodation possibilities for families, groups of friends, or researchers across a lavish master suite – complete with private elevator and observation deck–two VIP apartments, and seven double and three twin staterooms. And yet, despite her size, guests have described her as feeling cosy, a perfect setting for intimate groups and conversation. With the Octopus the only limit is your imagination. Highlights Extraordinary access Among her impressive equipment, Octopus also includes two fully operational helipads with enough hangar space to bring two helicopters inside. Tenders & Toys Please note that tenders and toys are subject to regular upgrades and changes. We will update you on the latest information. 7x Tenders 6x Kayaks 4x Wave Runners 3x Surf Boards 3x Windsurfers 4x SUP Boards 4x Kiteboards 3x Wakeboards 2x Helipads Full Spread of Inflatables Dive Centre with Full Gear Gallery < Previous Yacht Next Yacht >

  • Pink Shadow | Voyages & Journeys

    Home - Yacht Expeditions - Yachts - Pink Shadow Pink Shadow Guests: 6 Year: 2023 Length: 58.3m Cabins: 12 Crew: 17 Price: From €465.000/week With her big sister, La Datcha, already exploring our waters since 2020 and have circumnavigated the globe from the tropical heat of the Indian Ocean to the frozen wonderland of Antarctica, it is with great excitement that we saw the latest realease of the Damen SeaXplorer 58 on the charter market - Pink Shadow. Imagining planning a double charter with both SeaXplorers side by side. Just like La Datcha, Pink Shadow is a charter like no other, where every inch is made for life-affirming adventure. The magical blend of explorer spirit, bold design and top-class service will leave a lasting impression as soon as you step onboard. Pink Shadow’s iconic profile and distinctive hull colour set the tone for what is to come once on board. Pink Shadow has an impressive IMO Polar Code compliant and ice class hull and 30 days' ocean-going autonomy; is the perfect platform to explore and sail to the most remote and extreme environments around the world, like Antarctica that is often unreachable for other vessels. The features that made us even more excited are the number of conscious design choices the owner made, including a premium synthetic teak deck and wastewater tanks to grant the yacht access to zero discharge zones of outstanding natural beauty. Wherever you look onboard you will find intriguing details and captivating design. Combining rich colours with interesting textures and incorporating eye-catching artwork, Pink Shadow is imbued with unique personality throughout. The décor was inspired by an epic adventure film set in the Amazon basin; to move through the yacht is to go on a journey in itself. Several areas, each one even more exciting than the next, allow relaxation, entertainment and maximum exposure to the chosen destination. Pink Shadow redefines the idea of indoor/outdoor flow - with her main deck Tahiti Plage beach club opening up on each side to create a panoramic, immersive space. The aft is truly a one-of-a-kind, and you will be welcomed by the fresh sea breeze and shaded vistas, her aft is a beautiful and inspiring space to really experience the natural world from the comfort of your couch or bar, the experience is not just about amazing views, it is also about enjoying the ultimate adventure on land and at sea. Her arsenal of toys is impressive - including two large multi-role tenders, seabobs, fliteboards, wakeboards, waterskis, and a complete series of towables. But what makes her toy chest really unique are the customized Ineos grenadier and BMW R12 nine T motorcycles, with which we can design and provide you with adrenaline-fueled adventures for you to discover and explore the destination on a unique way. Highlights The Fitzcarraldo Deck The cigar lounge is the ultimate area for any kind of celebration, and complete with an impressive humidor, is a special spot that is reminiscent of golden-age glamour. Tenders & Toys Please note that tenders and toys are subject to regular upgrades and changes. We will update you on the latest information. 2x Multi-role tenders 2x BMW R12 nine T motorcycles 1x Ineos Grenadier, extreme 4x4 vehicle 1x E-foil 3x Kayaks 2x Jet Skis 4x Wakeboards Inflatable Toys 4x Seabobs 2x Water Skis Gallery < Previous Yacht Next Yacht >

  • Elena PT | Voyages & Journeys

    Início - Expedições de Iate - Iates - Elena Elena Guests: 14 Year: 2009 Length: 55m Cabins: 5 Crew: 8 Price: From €100.000/week Elena is a meticulous recreation of the historic trans-Atlantic superyacht race record holder from 1928. If you desire the ultimate sailing experience, there is no better yacht than Elena. A century ago, naval architect Nat Herreshoff, also known as the “Wizard of Bristol” and a true mastermind behind several notable America’s Cup contenders, designed her to win the 1928 Transatlantic race. She is designed for pure speed and performance, a schooner that can win, only this replica is every bit as fast as the original - only more luxurious. Herreshoff designed Elena as a sistership to Westward but fitted her with a fuller keel which lowered her center of ballast and amended the dimension of her rigs to further improve her windward ability. She is majestic and inimitable under sail. Step on board and discover her elegant and calming spaces, with spacious decks and stately interiors that transport you to a different time. If you are looking for a vacation to remember, this direct descendent from sailing’s Golden Age is for you. Exhilarating or relaxing or both, a yacht charter on Elena is a rare experience in today’s modern world. Fast forward to 2009, McLaren, former captain of Westward’s 2002 replica Eleonora, set out to repeat history and build another Elena that could wipe out all the competition. Now almost a century later and Elena continues the winning legacy, having won multiple regattas including the Barbados Round Island Race, The Antigua Classic Les Voiles de St Tropez and Monaco Classic Week. Elena captures the grace of bygone eras, providing total exhilaration and utter relaxation in equal measure. With her impressive sail plan and a windward ability that is unmatched by both modern and classic yachts, Elena is a formidable regatta contender, and the ideal yacht for experienced sailors, for those seeking a new and unique yachting experience. Her gorgeous interior is more than fit for an Admiral of a Fleet. Polished hardwood panelling hides sailing tomes, bottles of claret and flagons of navy rum. Her endless wooden deck is the place where we will design and plan your daily adventures. She accommodates up to eight guests in four ensuite cabins, all named after classic sailing yachts and they are generous in size, while honouring the 20th-century aesthetic - two doubles and two twins. When used privately there is an optional fifth cabin which can accommodate another two guests. The master cabin features an office-sized desk and seating for two while the three guest cabins all boast excellent storage space and privately controlled air conditioning systems. Elena has array of fun toys for in-water discovery, ranging from snorkels and kayaks to wakeboards and kitesurfing equipment. You will be able to spend sun-drenched days in the water alongside the other guests taking in the scenery and practising some new skills. With the two tenders you are able to be transported ashore for land-based excursions. Destaques A true racer With a fuller keel which lowered her centre of ballast and amended the dimension of her rigs to further improve her windward ability. Embarcações & Brinquedos Informação online apenas disponível em Inglês. ​As embarcações de apoio e outro entretenimento estão sujeitos a actualizações e alterações regulares. Verifique connosco as informações mais recentes. 2 x Kayaks 8 x Snorkelling Sets 2 x Tenders 2 x Stand Up Paddle Boards 1 x Water Ski 2 x Fishing Equipment 1 x Kitesurf Board 2 x Wakeboards Galeria < Iate Anterior Próximo Iate > Aventuras Únicas Expedições de Iate Explore Comunicações Sobre Nós EN PT NL RNAVT 7818 Empresa registada em Portugal Política de Privacidade Termos e Condições > Contacte-nos +351 917 800 008

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